Our estimated arrival at Nashotah House is August 15, though we still need to make travel plans. Prayers, please! Orientation is August 27-31, so our goal is to get up there and get settled before all of that. I would also like to get up there as soon as possible to interview for a job in the library. Again, more prayers please.
I was excited to hear that spouses can attend as much of orientation as they want, and you can bet that I'll be there as much as I can. Rob's first day of school is September 4, and I think I'm even more excited that he is to get his syllabi and buy books. He already has two books that he must read before orientation: Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict by Esther de Waal. He's already read the Bonhoeffer book, and I've started it.
We are so excited about all that is to come. We have been blessed beyond measure thus far and can't wait to see what God has in store for us. I've been reading the Psalms lately, and this morning my reading ended with Psalm 27:14, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." There have been a lot of unknowns in my life this year, and I have learned what it truly means to wait for the Lord. He has reminded me so often that His plans are infinitely better than anything I can plan for myself. Over and over again He has given me patience to wait for what He has prepared for me. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. God is good--all the time!