Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall at Nashotah House

Fall has officially arrived. Well, it's been here for a while, but the leaves are finally beginning to really change. Today was absolutely beautiful and quite warm actually, so I took a walk and snapped some pictures. You can see them if you click on "Fall 2007" under Our Picture Albums to the right. We are so blessed to live in such a unique and beautiful place.

Lately I have been overwhelmingly thankful to the Lord for taking such good care of us here at Nashotah House. We have a large circle of friends and are beginning to develop that special inner circle of friends that is so important. In particular, I have found a few women with whom I have much in common and can really connect. We have gotten beyond those trivial, "getting to know you" conversations and are really beginning to open up to each other. It is such an answered prayer to be forming friendships like this here. I am also overwhelmingly blessed by a Bible study that I'm in. We're using an Inductive Study of Colossians, by Kay Arthur. I love the way it makes me dig deeply into the Word, searching every nuance and meaning. The Lord is speaking to me so much in this study. It is by far the best Bible time that I've ever experienced.

Rob is still studying for midterms. He has moments of complete clarity and peace and moments of complete confusion and stress. It's hard to watch him go through the stress and to feel helpless, but the peaceful moments always come just when we need them. I've been so proud of his diligence and endurance. His faith is stronger than ever, and I know the Lord is blessing that. He has found some great friends with whom to study and to pray. He's actually going with some of them to a Renewal in Christ Ministries retreat next weekend, which should be awesome. Here's a link to their website: He is also going to be helping to organize a chapter of The Order of St. Luke here at Nashotah House! He is so excited!

We're busy but blessed. Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Comic Relief

As I promised, this post was removed for posterity's sake. Feel free to email me if you missed it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Son of the House

It's official--Rob is now a "Son of the House." He made a Vow of Obligation to Nashotah House during Solemn Eucharist and Matriculation on Oct. 4. To give you an idea of the beauty and richness of the service, I'd like to share with you the exchange between Dean Munday and the matriculating students:

The Dean: You came to us as strangers and entered into our house; you have made your home with us and you have shared our life: Is it your desire to commit yourselves to this life and to join yourselves to us as members of this community?

Respose: It is.

Matriculating Students: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I hereby promise on my conscience and honor to obey during the term of my residence the Statutes and Regulations of Nashotah House; to submit myself respectfully to its authorities, and in general, to conduct myself as becomes a Christian, and if it be the case, a Candidate for Holy Orders.

The Dean: May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you, that in this as in all things you may do God's will in the service of the kingdom of his Christ.

After making the Vow of Obligation, each matriculating student signed the historic roll book of the seminary.

Matriculation followed a 3-day silent retreat here on campus. Classes were cancelled, and the seminarians attended several seminar lectures by an amazing speaker and man of God, Father David Bauman from Placentia, California. Though I had to work during his daytime lectures, I was able to attend his evening lectures. I'll get back to you another time about him; he was awesome! There were also opportunities for spiritual direction and confession during the silent retreat. It was a really peaceful time on campus. Fr. Bauman's sermon during matriculation was amazing. I really felt the Holy Spirit speaking through him, strengthening the community during that service and really during the whole retreat. A huge community dinner celebration followed matriculation. It was a special evening!

Rob's parents (and their dog, Maggie) just left today after a wonderful weekend visit. We took them to the Madison farmer's market--one of the biggest in the country. We bought cheese, cheese, and more cheese. Yum! We ate German food at the Golden Mast restaurant on Lake Okauchee. They took me shopping. They spoiled us rotten all weekend--it was great! Rob's got a Church History midterm tomorrow, two assignments in other classes, and a Greek quiz on Friday, so needless to say, he's off studying this evening.

Thank you for your prayers--we are so blessed. We miss y'all!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I love my job!

Isn't it great to really enjoy your job? Doesn't it feel wonderful to jump for joy when you're at work? Some of you have been asking about my job and for photos so that you can have a mental picture when you think of me during the day. Here's a great one that really sums up my days here at the Nashotah House Library. I mean really, does it get any better than this?!