I know I say this a lot, but I really can't say it enough. The community at Nashotah House is amazing! We have been in full swing this Fall. The weekend Rob went to the RICM retreat, the community had the annual Fall Festival. The picture above shows all of our cute children dressed up in their costumes. First, we had a carnival where each residential building created a booth for the children. Our building did a bean bag toss. There was also a face painting booth, a balloon animal booth, a nerf dart gun booth, and more. After the carnival, we had a big community cookout. Then, they loaded the kids up for a hayride around campus. They trick-or-treated at the faculty houses, and then, at the end of the hayride, they got out and trick-or-treated at the student houses. The evening ended with a big bonfire. What a fun day!
While I was gorging myself on candy all weekend, Rob was having an amazing time at the RICM retreat. He came home absolutely glowing with the Holy Spirit. He had wonderful things to say about Fr. Gary Delmasso and his wife, Judith, and their ministry. I was a little disappointed that I missed it, but I'm sure that his relationship with them will continue and that I will get to spend time with them, too. The weekend got him even more excited about starting an Order of St. Luke on campus. He spoke to Fr. McGlynn when he got back, and they scheduled the first meeting this coming Tuesday. Since that weekend, Rob has also been given the Dean's blessing to offer healing prayer after the Contemporary Service here at Nashotah House on Sundays. The Dean and others here on campus have been praying for a healing ministry to blossom, and Rob is so grateful for the awesome training he received at St. Michael's so that he can be a part of bringing it to Nashotah House. He is completely humbled and thankful that God has seen fit to use him in this way.
In the midst of all of this excitement, Rob finished his midterms, we hosted my parents the following weekend, we celebrated my 30th birthday, and Bishop Salmon and Fr. Dow Sanderson came to Nashotah for the Trustees meeting. They spoiled all the SC seminarians and spouses by taking us to Milwaukee for a fancy German dinner at Mader's. Wow! So, as you can see, we've been busy. I wouldn't trade any of it in for the world. However, now that things have begun to wind down this weekend, I'm playing catch-up. The dust bunnies under the table will be finally swept, the dogs will be washed, the bills will be paid, thank you notes will be written, food will be cooked (believe it or not but we've been living on leftovers from all the festivities for two weeks now), and last but not least, books that I started weeks ago will be joyfully read, and my feet will be propped up. And Rob will be writing papers, in case you were wondering.
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10