Praise God! We have a church! Since Rob is in his Middler year, he does his field parish study at a local church, which means we can stop church-hopping and get plugged in somewhere! Yay! We loved Zion Church from the moment we first attended last year, and thankfully Rob was placed here for his field study. He will be mentored by the Rector, Fr. Thad Butcher, serve in various ways on Sun. morning, and help in any way needed throughout the year. This church is full of the Holy Spirit and growing. Fr. Thad is an awesome preacher; I really learn a lot from his sermons. He actually has a connection to South Carolina, too! His daughter is married to the Rev. Iain Boyd, Assistant Rector of Trinity Church Myrtle Beach. It just feels so good to attend a church that is similar to our home church, St. Michael's Charleston. Check out Zion's website if you get a chance:
http://zionpoint.org/index.htmI know I say this in every post, but it's true--Rob is busier than ever these days. His work in the chapel along with his schoolwork is exhausting. In the next week his chapel work includes a matriculation, ordination, convocation, and a graduation. And yes, he still has classes and schoolwork on top of being a part of organizing all of that. It's during these times that the "f-word" gets thrown around a lot here. No, not the one that immediately comes to mind. Rather, formation, formation, formation. Around here it's got the same reputation as that other word, but it is poignant and true to life here. Rob will be more than prepared to serve as a parish priest (Robert as a P.K. and I as a P.W.). I mean really, could it get any crazier?
Thank you for your prayers!