Sunday, September 16, 2007

And we're off...

We're starting the second full week of school, and we're already full spead ahead. We haven't even been back to the lake since the last post! Rob is busy trying to figure out how to manage such a busy schedule. The Middlers and Seniors have told us that it takes some time to figure out how to make it work for you--maybe even a whole semester. Basically, Rob has to figure out the best time to study in a schedule that looks like this (all required activities):
Morning Prayer and Eucharist/breakfast/classes/lunch/random meetings, choir practice, work scholarship duties, work crew/Evening Prayer.
Besides maybe an hour here or there, he's booked from 7:30-5:30 during the week. He's been trying to decide if it's best for him to study late at night or to get up early in the morning. He's also trying to decide if it's better for him to study in his office in our basement, in our living room, or in his study carrel at the library. On top of that, he's got to discern which of the thousands of pages of reading assignments in his classes are really actually required and which are merely suggested reading. Some professors seem to make it very clear while others seem to let you sweat it out. It's obvious that no functioning human could actually read all of the assignments. He'll get it all figured out in time. We would both appreciate your prayers in this area.

I have been busy at my new job IN THE LIBRARY! Many of you know that the position was my dream job here at Nashotah, and it was such a blessing to get it! I have loved every minute of it since I started a week and a half ago. I am the full-time library assistant. I'll be doing a little bit of everything around the library, which is great because I'll get to learn all of the ins and outs of library work--something that has always intrigued me. My favorite job so far is working on the reclassification project--from the Dewey Decimal System to the Library of Congress System. The library is in the final stages of this project and should be completely reclassified by the end of 2008. I also love working in what I like to call the book hospital, fixing books with fancy glue and tape and other cool book-fixing supplies. It's like arts and crafts, but instead of creating a piece of art, you're saving one. It's very fulfilling work. I'll bring my camera to work this week and post some pics of me in action at the library so that you can get a visual. Thank you so much for all of you who prayed for me about this job. Praise God!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love reading your blog!! It is great keeping up with you both, and of course Hazel and Sallie. It is flattering to see that we have made the picture and video page!! woo hoo!!

I know you all must be so excited about Noel and Maggie coming up for their visit next week. She cannot wait to see you all. She misses everyone so much!

Take care and keep posting! I loved Hazel jumping off the dock! Sorry about Sallie's stitches. :(

Aunt Cindy